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Adding and Editing Presenters

From the Presenters menu, you can view and edit your site’s presenters. Key information about each presenter can be found on this page, including the name, email address, photo, and username.

What is a Presenter?

A Presenter is any person speaking or performing at your event. Ranging anywhere from local musicians to town hall speakers, they are essentially ‘the talent’ – so to say.

Any event can have multiple presenters. Additionally, presenters can be attached to as many sessions as necessary (i.e., speakers running multiple presentations for an all-day event).

How are Presenters displayed on my site?

Each presenter will be displayed on the Speakers Page as well as the Homepage of your site. Presenters will have an independent page that can be accessed through the main Speakers Page

Each of these pages will display the presenter title, associated company, a photo, and a short bio. Additional information, including their assigned sessions, affiliated sponsors/exhibitors, and social media links, will also be seen.

Several other pages throughout your site will display presenters. This works by assigning them to various sessions, sponsors, and exhibitors. Any presenters affiliated will automatically be showcased on these pages under said session, sponsor, or exhibitor.

Can Presenters access the site?

Yes. When you add a presenter account, the account information will automatically be sent to the presenter via the contact email added. Once they receive this email and set a password, they will be able to view their schedule and access additional elements necessary for participating in the event.

Read more about Presenter’s accounts in this guide to Presenter Accounts.

Adding Your First Presenter

Select the Add Presenter button at the top of the page from the Presenter menu. Inside the Add Presenter page, you will see several sub-menus that allow you to configure each presenter.

Presenter Details

The Presenter Details sub-menu is where you add the main information about your Presenter. This includes their first and last name, a photo, a contact email, and an option to exclude them from the Presenters Page

Creating a Presenter Account

Creating a Presenter Account will allow presenters to log on, much like any user would, with added features to allow them to control their presentation successfully. These features include a glance at their assigned sessions, product orders, account details, and favorite sessions.

Create Account

When adding a presenter, the Create Account tab will prompt you to add a contact email. Alternatively, you can choose to add a presenter with an Existing Account or No Account. Creating a new presenter account will automatically send an invite to the presenter and allow them to set up their account by prompting them to create a password.

For accounts that are already active on your site, choose Existing Account. This will allow you to select the active account from a dropdown. This is helpful in the case that your event has an administrator who is managing the event site as well as presenting. Once you have assigned a presenter account, the option to delete will become available.

Selecting No Account allows you to add a presenter without granting them access to the site. This can be used in case you are unsure of the presenter’s contact information, and a presenter account can be generated at a later date.

Why would I need to exclude a Presenter?

Presenters are automatically displayed on the Presenters Page and the Homepage under the Featured Speakers section. If you do not wish to have them on these auto-lists, you will find the option to Exclude Presenter

When you exclude them, the list will automatically update and exclude them. This is beneficial in the case that your speaker is not yet confirmed for your event or you have a host who will not be presenting at your event.

You can also use this feature to temporarily remove a presenter from any auto-lists without deleting them. 

Note: Your presenter will still have an individual page on the site; however, it will not be accessible unless you share the specific link to your presenter’s page.

Presenter Bio

The Bio sub menu is an optional feature where information about your presenter can be added. This includes their title, associated company, a public email for visitors, social media links, and a description or bio. Adding a phone number is also available here but will not be publicly displayed.

Note: The admin will be responsible for adding and editing each presenter’s bio.

Presenter Sessions

The Sessions sub-menu allows you to attach sessions to an individual presenter. You can attach unlimited sessions to one speaker. Presenters will receive an email for each session they are assigned to. This email will display specific details relating to the assigned session. If hosting a virtual or hybrid session, presenters will also find instructions on how to join a virtual session.

Want to keep adding to your event? Go to Getting Started for more helpful articles on how to complete your first event.

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