Adding and Editing Sessions
From the View Sessions menu, you can view and edit your event’s sessions. Important information about your session can be found on this page, including the session type, start and end dates, and the physical location or virtual stage. You can add, duplicate, and delete your sessions from this menu.

What is a Session?
A session is a period of time that is dedicated to a particular activity. It is an essential component of any event. You can set a specific time and topic as well as assign presenters, sponsors, and other important resources. An Event can range from having as few as one to having multiple sessions running consecutively or simultaneously.
Whether virtual, hybrid, or in-person, sessions allow you to add additional resources, including file attachments and recordings.
What’s the difference between an Event and a Session?
Adding Your First Session
From the View Sessions menu, select the Add New Session button at the top of the page. Inside this page, you will see several sub-menus that allow you to configure your session.
Session Details
The Session Details sub-menu is where you add the main information about your session, including the session title, description, and start and end times. Required information is indicated with a red asterisk.
Note: The text alignment will be applied to the session details page on your site.
Selecting an Event
The Event dropdown is an important selection for adding your session. When you assign your session to a specific event, you will be aligning that session to the date and time frame of the event. For that reason, a session will not save unless the time and date are within the parameters of the selected event.
To learn more about events and how to configure them, please go to Adding and Editing Events.
Selecting a Session Type
The Session Type you choose will determine the options available and how it is presented to attendees on the website. Depending on your selection, you will be able to configure details, including virtual stages, the physical location, or both.
A Virtual session type will allow you to choose a virtual stage, while In-Person will only allow you to choose a physical location. Selecting Hybrid as your session type will allow you to choose both a physical location and a virtual stage.
What is a Virtual Stage?
A Virtual Stage is a live stream where online visitors view live content. A stage can consist of multiple sessions or presentations running at different times. Similar to real life, a Virtual Stage enables viewers to watch from one location while presenters come and go to present their content.
Note: If you have already specified that your event is Single Session and Virtual or Hybrid, your session will already have a pre-generated Virtual Stage available to designate.
Go to Understanding Virtual Stages to learn more about virtual stages.
Understanding Physical Locations
You can add and name a Physical Location in Session Details. To edit the name and properties of your Physical Location, go to the Location tab of the main menu.
Physical locations are unique to in-person and hybrid events and are entirely customizable. These are essentially the specific places in which your session will take place (i.e., the physical location of a session would be the main stage of a music festival or a sponsor’s booth at a large convention).
If you are curious about how to add your event venue’s address, you can learn more about this feature from the Venue article.
Understanding Categories
Add categories to help users navigate various types of sessions offered at your event.
Categories are used as a way to differentiate different types of sessions and are a key factor in the user experience of your site. If your event has multiple sessions, adding categories will allow visitors to filter the specific sessions they would like to attend. This can be useful for events that have multiple interests (i.e., multi-disciplinary conferences or a music festival with several genres).
The Presenters sub-menu enables you to view and add presenters to your session. If you have a single session event, any presenters that have been manually added in Events will automatically be displayed here.
Note: Once added, speakers with valid user accounts will receive emails with session login information, as well as reminder emails 24 hours and 1 hour before their session.
The Sponsors sub-menu is identical to the presenters tab. This tab enables you to view and add sponsors to your session. If you have a single session event, any sponsors that have been manually added in Events will automatically be displayed here.
The Recording sub-menu allows you to add an embedded recording of your session, also known as an instant replay, as well as the option to add a VOD. The VOD feature allows you the option to upload any content and restream it so it is available to attendees at any time.
File Attachments
The File Attachments sub-menu allows you to add any material needed for each session. This can include any images, documents, or forms a host might want to be displayed to attendees.
Want to keep adding to your event? Go to Getting Started for more helpful articles on how to complete your first event.